Mitchell MacGregor Agency

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We’ve just launched a sparkly new website for podcast producers Pennie Latin Stuart and Dan Holland, aka Adventurous Audio.

What they wanted ↓

A clean, sleek one-page site that would highlight their services and showcase their podcasts.

How we did it ↓

Pennie and Dan put together a digital folder with all their assets and copy and we set aside a design day. In the days leading up to design day, we created a colour palette, sourced stock images, proof read and created a draft layout.

How we worked together ↓

For the draft design, Pennie and Dan were hands off as we pulled everything together. On design day, we hopped on an off Zoom to tweak everything in real time.

Behind the scenes ↓

We linked their domain name to the site, integrated their Instagram account (that we helped them populate) and optimised SEO.

Launch day ↓

We triple checked everything: copy, links, load-time, sizing on all devices—then it was time for blast off.

Aftercare ↓

We recorded a Zoom tutorial that Pennie and Dan can refer to when making changes or uploading new content to their site.

Take a look here ↓

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